Just to show that I don’t spend every waking minute thinking about or sitting behind a desk and looking after my client’s ad accounts, I thought it would be nice to share something that as a family we do each Christmas that makes our hearts soar.
Our two girls are both members of the 32nd Butlocks Heath Scout group and I act at their chief fundraiser. Each Christmas we spend a week travelling around the village with Santa on his sleigh. My husband is nicknamed “Rudolph” during the week as he tows the sleigh
The fundraising side of this week is not why we all volunteer our time. What we get out of it is seeing the delight on the children’s faces when Santa appears on their road. We also act as road marshalls as a child who has spotted Santa doesn’t always stop, look and listen.
It’s not just children who come over to say hello, we have a fair share of adults popping out as well. Depending on what time we reach a road will depend on the attire we see – onesies and PJs are common – both with children and adults alike!
It is a joyous week that lifts all of the volunteers who take part.